Xavier Ferré

Xavier Ferré
Xavier holds an MSc and PhD in Computer Science. He is associate professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He was the Director of the European Master on Software Engineering at UPM during 2011-2012, and the associate director of the UPM – El Mundo chair on Digital Communication during 2013-2015.

He was hired as High-End Foreign Expert by the Chinese government (2015-2017). He has co-authored usability planner (http://usabilityplanner.org/), an online tool for practitioners. He is senior researcher at the Ageing Lab, Center for Biomedical Technology (CTB), UPM. His primary research interests are usability and User eXperience (UX) in mobile applications for older users, integration of usability practices into software engineering, and technology adoption for e-health and mobile-based systems